Bot for museums

Ambika Joshi
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2016


Experimental telegram bot for museums.

AjaibgharBot is a bot for Telegram that lets you search museum objects.
Also if you share your location, it sends you the name of a museum nearby.

Screenshots from the Telegram App

Word Search

The bot currently accesses the database API of the Rijksmuseum, the Cooper Hewitt Museum and the Brooklyn Museum. It is a very basic word search program which returns an object/artefact from one of the three APIs

Location Search

If you share a location with bot, shares a museum address that is nearby. This is a bit glitchy because shops/vendors can mark themselves as museums.


High level view of ‘the stack’ as presented in the Cooper Hewitt blog post

Was keen to understand why museums have opened up their databases through APIs. I have not come across anyone using it in third-party apps and such. Please share links if you have. There is an interesting post by Cooper Hewitt technology team on The API at the centre of the museum. What more can be done with the available APIs?


Talk to the bot on: or check out my super horrible code on github:

Thanks to Telepot, a Python framework for Telegram Bot API and to Nirbheek for his guidance, patience and hosting space.

Ajaibghar is the Punjabi/Urdu word for Museum.

